About Freemasonry
Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world and its principles are Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity.
Freemasons aim to shape their lives around four important values: · Integrity · Friendship · Respect · Charity
There are three ‘degree ceremonies’ performed during masonic meetings. They are essentially an act or play and teach members how to be better people and each play represents a different stage in life.
Starting as an ‘initiate’ or Entered Apprentice, the next stage is to become a ‘Fellow Craft’ where Freemasons are taught the importance of improving yourself as a person, and finally as a ‘Master Mason’, where we learn that we have but one life, and the importance of using it wisely.
After the meetings members dine together informally in order to enjoy good food, good wine, and good company. And most importantly, to have fun together.
The Lodge
Venturer Lodge meet at Chingford Masonic Hall, Forest Approach, Station Road, Chingford, Essex, E4 7AZ
Dates of meetings are the 2nd Thursday in January, April (Installation), June (Uniform) and October.